On behalf of The Ward Firm posted in Motor Vehicle Accidents on Thursday, November 9, 2017.

Navigating the complicated waters of car insurance claims– particularly after a car accident that resulted in a personal injury is rarely easy. Dealing with the pain and suffering that come with an injury is daunting enough, let alone trying to cope while you are also figuring out the complexities of a car insurance claim.

Although the legal details of car insurance can be exceedingly complex, there are a few main points that you should know. Victims of personal injuries resulting from car crashes can defend their legal rights by understanding a few crucial points regarding car insurance. Even if you have not yet been in a car crash, you can prepare yourself by understanding these major dos and don’ts of filing a car insurance claim.


  • Contact your insurance provider following a car accident.
  • Review and understand your insurance coverage, particularly the “Coverage” and “Exclusion” sections.
  • Maintain detailed records of your contact with your insurance agency representatives.
  • Remember that you may have coverage under other insurance policies, such as homeowner or umbrella policies.
  • Take photographs of the damage to your vehicle, other vehicles or property, your injuries and the accident location.
  • Know that insurance companies are frequently interested in protecting their own best interests, not necessarily the victim’s injuries.
  • Consider retaining an attorney who can represent you to your insurance company.


  • Give any statements to your insurance provider without consulting an attorney.
  • Immediately accept your insurer’s appraisal of your losses.
  • Sign any waivers or releases until you have considered it carefully, read the fine print and obtained legal counsel.
  • Accept any checks that say “final payment” unless you are entirely ready to do so.
  • Ignore the time limits that your provider has set for your insurance claim.
  • Forget that you are in a legally binding contract with your insurance company and that the insurer is required to provide the coverage that they promised.
  • Try to do everything yourself. Hiring an experienced attorney can be crucial to protecting your best interests.